CMI approved centre

Successful CMI audit process for LIA

This week we welcomed in the CMI to conduct their bi-annual audit process. All training providers delivering CIM accredited programmes go through this audit process to ensure we are all meeting the required standards.

The audit looks at:

  • The overall management of our centre
  • Our management systems
  • Programme delivery
  • The quality assurance of our assessment process

And we were absolutely delighted with our outcome. Of course, we highly rate what we do here at LIA, but it means a lot to have the CMI echo our thoughts. They awarded us with their highest audit rating of 4 – with 1 being ‘high risk’ and 4 being the ‘lowest risk’ in relation to quality of delivery and assessment.

This is great news for us and our learners.

Managing Director of LIA, Sharon Montgomery, said this in response:

“LIA’s success is only possible because of our team.  I’m privileged to work with a great bunch of people whose commitment and dedication continues to ensure our learners achieve Merit and Distinction at their Apprenticeship End Point Assessment and achieve their CMI qualifications.”

“A big thank you from me goes to Jane Fallon, Graham Field, Miranda Stephenson, Judith Underhill, Sue Waterall and Fiona Pardoe.  Thank you all – I couldn’t do this without you!”

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