
Development 360

Success: whichever way you look at it

Our online Development 360 enables managers and leaders to really understand and appreciate their own strengths alongside areas which need a little development.

By closely examining their own skills and behaviours in relation to defined organisational objectives, they see for themselves where they stand in terms of where they excel, and where they can achieve even more. It’s a positive and enriching experience which in turn delivers a measurable benefit to your business. Managers and leaders who participate in our Development 360 emerge tactically sharper and with a better self awareness of how they can adapt, change and develop to overcome challenges and achieve success.

Smart thinking for better management performance

At Leadership in Action, we enable businesses and organisations to identify where their management teams are currently at in terms of capability. From there, we can deliver tailored organisational objectives while our SMART action planning helps to develop specific skills to improve personal and organisational performance.

Better results all round!

Talk to us about how our Development 360 can work for you.

Measurable return on investment

By working in partnership with you, we’re able to take the valuable time needed to truly understand and appreciate the culture of your organisation – how you work, and what your goals are. With that knowledge, we can develop tailored 360 questionnaires that have a direct link to your organisational objectives, which in turn enables us to measure your ROI.

Your organisation can select from our existing management competency frameworks, and we can adapt them to suit you. Or, if your organisation already has a working competency framework, we can devise a 360 questionnaire incorporating the language and values already in place. At the end of the day, it’s your success and your people that matter to us – and we’re flexible enough to support your needs.


Prepare your business for success

Learn more about our Development 360