Leadership and Management Coaching
Great leaders are great communicators
At Leadership in Action, we know the value of good communication, and what a difference it can make to a successful, positive culture within organisations.
That’s why we work with you to develop your leaders and managers in the core skills of questioning, listening and summarising. Building upon their own personal experience and success, our coaching adds significant insights and develops knowledge, skills and behaviours to deliver positive change and progression for your managers/leaders.
Coaching delivered the way you want it
Our leadership and management coaching can be delivered in several ways,
to suit the needs and demands of your organisation:
1:1 coaching
a key support for senior managers to help them develop their skills/behaviours and achieve their strategic objectives
Line manager coaching
enhancing the coaching skills of your line managers, enabling them to further develop their teams and create opportunities for succession planning
an ideal step for organisations who want to encourage formal coaching within their organisation, creating coaching champions and building a successful and positive coaching culture to turn business and strategic objectives into an achievable reality
Leadership coaching designed to develop knowledge, skills and behaviours
Our coaching sessions are positive, proven and unique
in their design, facilitating learning on a personal level
to take your leadership forward.
We work closely with you to understand your people and culture before establishing the right goals in alignment with your business aims. We examine what works well / less well, before exploring a range of options for improvement. Then we collaborate to find the right criteria to mark success, before exploring how to successfully implement our shared findings.
By creating the right conditions to explore and share ideas, we ensure your managers and leaders can learn and gain the vital knowledge, skills and behaviours to drive both them and your organisation in the right direction.