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Leadership Skillsets: Stepping up to Leadership

Stepping up to Leadership – team leader / first line managers

This Leadership Skillset has been designed to provide new and aspiring managers with the confidence and key skills required to step into a leadership role.

Understanding the importance of setting standards to support a team in achieving their own personal and the collective team’s full potential is paramount.

We explore the meaning of transformational leadership and transactional management achieving a balance between the two aspects of the role using the work of John Kotter and Kouzes and Posner ‘Principles of exemplary leadership’.

Many first time managers find the transition from team member to team manager challenging, balancing time, task, team needs and individual development and performance management.

This Skillset will provide the tools, methods and structure to explore how this can be achieved successfully using proven techniques based on the experience of theorists and practical work based examples.

Content overview:

  • Making the move to Team Manager – The first few months
  • Leadership v Management – Creating operational balance
  • How do you and the team learn – Learning Styles
  • Exploring values and behaviours- Inspiring trust/creating team spirit
  • Transactional v Transformational – finding the balance
  • Personal Effectiveness – Managing time and activities
  • Verbal and Non verbal Communication
  • Leadership styles and approaches
  • Creating your strategy aligned to company vision
  • Setting SMART objectives
  • Monitoring and reviewing performance – Performance Management general
  • Constructive Feedback conversations
  • 8 Steps to successful delegation
  • Coaching using the GROW model – succession planning for the future

Workshop style and approach:

The workshop will be highly interactive balancing activities, facilitator input, group discussions, videos and group examples to explore the topics.

Participants will be encouraged to use real working examples giving them a plan and structure to return to the workplace and apply the learning into their role adding value to the team, creating a high performance team focused on achieving the organisation’s vision and goals.


This is a 2 day workshop and costs just £190. This is exclusive of VAT and includes a pdf workbook.

Next steps:

To find out more, to book or to explore the next start date, please get in contact.

To find out more about our other Leadership Skillsets click here.

LIA Leadership Skillsets Stepping Up To Leadership

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